Coaching & Mentoring
Don’t go it alone! We love collaborating with our clients to help them be their best at work and in life.
As your coach, we support you to tap into your own experience to help you successfully navigate and thrive in the contemporary public sector. We focus on your strengths and how to identify and harness them to achieve your goals.
Coaching can be for career development, to address specific workplace challenges or to lift your leadership skills to new heights.
Lifting performance through executive and workplace coaching can be an excellent tool in an environment where resources are constrained and there is more and more pressure on managers, staff and teams to deliver.
We also coach teams to achieve peak performance, focusing on embedding communication and collaboration skills.
We’re here to help! We are uniquely placed to mentor people who are seeking more direct workplace and career guidance and advice. Our depth of public sector experience allows us to offer meaningful and practical mentoring advice to our clients.
As working mothers in demanding jobs over many decades, we have a special interest in mentoring working parents and others with caring responsibilities.
Metis Coaching and Training can work with you to develop a package of executive or workplace coaching to suit your goals, budget and timeframes. We offer flexibility in our packages to suit each of our clients.
Book an initial 15 minute consultation to find out how we can help you through executive and workplace coaching:
or message us
Diagnostic Tools
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI®)
The Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument® (HBDI®) is the world’s leading Thinking Styles assessment tool. It identifies your preferred approach to emotional, analytical, structural and strategic thinking. It also provides individuals with a significantly increased level of personal understanding.
Metis Coaching and Training can provide accredited HBDI assessments and debriefing sessions to help you gain insights into how you and your team think, work and communicate.
DISC Profiles
DISC Profiles – Helen is an accredited DISC consultant who can work with you and your team to unlock insights into behaviours at work and how these can have an impact on communication, collaboration, leadership and delivery. Working closely with Team8 (, Helen can provide a comprehensive DISC profile and debriefing to underpin coaching and development for individuals and teams.